How do cells communicate? In this area of study students focus on how cells receive specific signals that elicit a particular response. Students apply the stimulus-response model to the cell in terms of the types of signals, the position of receptors, and the transduction of the information across the cell to an effector that then initiates a response. Students examine unique molecules called antigens and how they elicit an immune response, the nature of immunity and the role of vaccinations in providing immunity. They explain how malfunctions in signalling pathways cause various disorders in the human population and how new technologies assist in managing such disorders.
Outcome 2 On completion of this unit the student should be able to apply a stimulus-response model to explain how cells communicate with each other, outline immune responses to invading pathogens, distinguish between the different ways that immunity may be acquired, and explain how malfunctions of the immune system cause disease.
In Area of Study 2: How do cells communicate? we study cellular signals (signalling molecules, signal transduction and apoptosis); responding to antigens (including antigens, innate and adaptive immunity and the lymphatic system) and the immune system (including diseases of the immune system and cancer immunotherapy). The following links are some resources for study in these topics.
Chapter 6: Cellular Signals
- Quizlet set for Chapter 6 – needs finishing! (Nikki and Lana can you do this one please?)
- Signalling molecules in cellular communication (YouTube, 4.33min)
- Signal transduction from The PenguinProf (YouTube, 9.39min)
- Receptors: Signal transduction and phosphorylation cascade Professor Dave explains (YouTube, 6.25min)
- Signal tranduction pathways from Bozeman Science (YouTube, 9.34min)
Chapter 7: Responding to antigens
- Quizlet set for Chapter 7 – (Thanks Kirsty! Shelby can you finish this one please?)
- Antibody Immune response (YouTube, 52sec) – no narration
- Immune System Part 1 – Crash Course Biology (YouTube, 9.12min)
Chapter 8: Immunity, immune malfunctions and immunotherapy
- Quizlet set for Chapter 8 (Kirk and Alannah can you check this and add any tems that have been missed? Thanks.)
- Pathogen Attack – the GTAC online computer game about the battle for immunity
- Immune System Part 2 – Crash Course Biology (YouTube, 9.43min)
- Immune System Part 3 – Crash Course Biology (YouTube, 9.36min)
- The Immune System from Bozeman Science (YouTube, 13.46min)