Transport in Plants

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Biology 4 Kids: Xylem and phloem

Look through the virtual microscope at xylem and phloem cells.

What Wikipedia says about vascular tissue in plants.

WikiAnswers: What’s the difference between xylem and phloem?

Different types of plant tissues – including good diagrams.

Plant structure, including more good diagrams, photos and microscope images of plant tissues.

Plant Structure II, showing a comparison of monocots and dicots – including arrangement of vascular tissue. Moncotyledons are plants with one seed leaf, parallel venation in their leaves and flowers with petals in multiples of 3 (eg. maize, rye grass). Dicotyledons (such as buttercups, celery and beans) have two seed leaves, reticulate venation and flowers with petals in groups of 4 or 5.

How woody plants grow – why trees develop concentric rings- Vascular tissue animation.

After completing the practical exercise on pages 64 to 66, describe the distribution of vascular bundles in monocot root xs and dicot root xs. How does this distribution compare to the distribution of vascular bundles in stem tissue of moncots and dicots?

How does ring-barking affect trees and why does this occur?

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