Daily Archives: February 24, 2015

Energizing Cells



Image from GTAC

Euglena and Paramecium are single-celled organisms with some animal-like characteristics. We will be observing these protozoans at x400 magnification in a sample of pond water. Locate the cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts, ‘eye’ spot and flagellum in a Euglena. Is Euglena autotrophic (‘self feeding’) or heterotrophic (‘other feeder’)? In Paramecium, locate the cilia, cell membrane, cytoplasm, food vacuoles and nucleus. Some of the Paramecium have been placed in a medium with yeast cells, which have been stained with congo red indicator. Are the Paramecium autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Euglena on YouTube and Euglena – flagellum movement in phase contrast on YouTube

Paramecium on YouTube and Paramecium eating pigmented yeast cells on YouTube and Amazing HD video of a Paramecium eating.